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Saturday, April 20, 2024

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Support Eurogamer and get your first month for £1

From today you can sign up to Eurogamers Supporter program and get your first month for £1, opening up ad-free browsing and access to the weekly Essentials newsletter that recently almost had Edge deputy editor and friend of the site Chris Schilling have an accident. You cant say fairer than that, surely.

Its been a year since we launched the Supporter program, and its seen the return of regular weekly podcasts, the Off-Topic series and Berties wonderful One-to-One series where hes profiled in-depth legends such as Ken and Roberta Williams and Ian Livingstone and Steve Jackson.

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For £1 (or $1, in a neat conversion thanks in part to our tanked economy) youll get Standard supporter access, which will give you the site ad-free as well as the weekly Essentials newsletter plus Supporter status on comments – so you can shout slow news day? with added authority. After the trial period its £3.99 per month for Standard Supporter status, with the Premium tier which opens up the bi-weekly Off-Topic pieces and early access to the Weekly and One-to-One podcasts coming in at £5.99.

And finally thanks to all of you who have already signed up – your support means a lot to us, and well keep looking at ways to make sure youre getting the best value possible.

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